User created contentThursday 08/19/2021
Parent Portal Password / Forgot Password
** Please note when requesting Forgot Password you need to supply your Campus "Username". This is NOT your email address in most cases. To get your Campus Portal Username for the password reset please use the "Forgot Username?" option to left under the Log In button.
Wednesday 12/30/2020
Student - Single Sign-On
Effective December 30, 2020, Students logging on to Student Portal only need to click on the "Single Sign-on (SSO)” button. Students using a Chromebook will be auto logged on with one click to the Campus Student Portal link on your schools Chromebook home page. There is no need to enter your user name or password again. If you need help please contact
Tuesday 08/06/2019
Important notice to new users: You will activate your Campus Parent account by entering the Activation Key sent to you by the school district. Please RETYPE the activation key code as it appears or use “CONTROL C” and “CONTROL V” to copy and paste it in the “New User” screen. This will avoid error messages when submitting to Infinite Campus.
Tuesday 09/04/2018
To download Campus Parent or Campus Student mobile app, visit the App Store or Google Play and search Campus Parent or Campus Student. To learn more on how to get started with Campus Parent or Campus Student, click HERE.